Wednesday 27 June 2012

The Plan



I won't be taking any outrageous supplement stacks or diet fads, nor will I be cutting entire food groups out of my diet. Instead I really want to show that regular people like you and me with the knowhow to get us there, but the responsibilities that often throw a fork in the road, can achieve a fit and healthy lifestyle and physique without breaking the bank or making ourselves miserable with hunger.

Instead I will aim to eat as healthy as I can, using the 30-45-25-diet ratio divided over 5 daily meals.

That’s -
·      30% carbs
·      45% protein
·      25% fat
·      (+4 liters of water daily)

This for me with the type of exercise I do should hopefully see me losing fat and retaining and gaining lean muscle mass whilst including vital fats without over doing it.

I will try to avoid things that can seem harmless but in fact are wasted calories, fads, or starchy useless options (such as white bread, white rice, corn etc. All of which they love here in South Korea and is pretty much your only option a lot of the time.).

If some days it happens that I have nothing else in the cupboard, I will do my best to avoid these options and use healthier alternatives. But as I mentioned before, life is not an exact science and we can't always plan for our boss wanting 3 extra classes on a Monday morning or a stack of reports being moved to an hour from now can we?


The types of exercise I will be doing will range from and include-
·      Steady state cardio (to continue my fitness for football season)
·      HIIT routines to shock my body into letting go of the fat it loves so much around my love handles and ass.
·      Sprints and hill running
·      Cycling
·      Swimming
·      Hiking
·      Football (training and 90 minute games)
·      Weight lifting and body weight exercises (using only the equipment found at the ever so useful Korean mountain and roadside gyms)
·      Workout videos- Shaun-T Insanity (But only if the weather is so treacherous I can't possibly venture outside)

Because what I want in the end, is to be a more well rounded, balanced and effective athlete. With speed, power, stregnth and endurance to boot.


So often neglected and overlooked in the road to physical and mental fitness is our rest. So I plan-

·      6 training days
·      1 rest day (stretching and/or yoga)
·      8 hours sleep per night
·      1 treat day per week (one item of desired food along side a healthy meal-so for me its always chocolate.)


Because we are busy, responsibility-burdened people my goal is to update this blog with videos, posts, mapped runs, workout routines, daily food journals and emotional states on a weekly basis. This way I have time to catch up if I get set back and prepare ideas and new posts because unfortunately this is NOT my day job. I will also do a before and after time lapse to prove it is worth it.


As people without personal trainers and free time, but instead swamped with tasks and responsibility, the point of this is to prove that I can do it. That we can do it, that it takes more will power and application than supplements and magazine dreams to achieve what we want. Of course we need the knowledge, but it doesn’t take a genius to know that our healthy life and fitness comes pretty much from eating more of the good and less of the bad, and simply "Doing More".

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