Saturday 18 August 2012

Week 7

Wednesday 8th August
·      1.5 hours football training (fartlek training)
Nutrition- total calories- 1420
·      5 whites+2 yolks @400
·      2x lowfat yogs @220
·      1x chicken salad wrap @ 250
·      1/2 cup mixed nut +jerky @300
·      None (straight to football training)
·      2x almond granola bars + Gatorade @350
Rest & recovery-
      I still feel really crappy today. Although I really enjoyed football and it is the most illness free I have felt all day. So it seems to be both the heat/allergies and air-conditioners that are causing me to feel sapped and generally zombie-like.

Thursday 9th August

·      Rest day
Nutrition- total calories- 1660
·      oatmeal+ PB+ jam @500
·      None
·      1/2 cup nuts+ jerky @300
·      None
·      2x brown rice+ chicken+ veg burritos @800
·      1x low-fat yogurt @60
Rest & recovery-
      Took my rest day early this week (usually a Friday) because I just can't shake this feeling of illness and congestion. Hoping that a day off the running and lifting will give my body a little time and energy to kick this sh#t into touch and allow me to power-up for the weekend. However I probably should have eaten a little more today but Thursday is a difficult day at work and I have little time.

Friday 10th August
·      6.9 mile mountain trail (continuous hills)
Nutrition- total calories- 2050
·      2x white bread+ PB+jam @500
·      None
·      1 cup brown rice+ lean beef steak+ veg+ 2x tortillas @750
·      Beef jerky @200
·      Chicken + mixed salad @450
·      1 yogurt@150
Rest & recovery-
      The rest day seems to have helped me a little and I feel less groggy and run down today. I decided that as I am now well into week 7 of my 11-12 weeks i should be upping the training a little so I am using my recently improved fitness to push myself onto different challenges. Todays run is a direct reflection of that, as previously once up this mountain has been enough. Today I chose to do it twice. TFIF!

Saturday 11th August
·      8.5 mile temple mountain trail run (SPIDERS!!!)
Nutrition- total calories- 2120
·      oatmeal+ PB+ jam @500
·      1x power bar @220
·      Chicken+ veg+ large salad+ marinade @500
·      1x Power bar @220
·      Chicken+ mixed salad+ sweet chili @500
·      Low-fat yogurt @200
Rest & recovery-
      I feel great after this morning’s long run (apart from the spiders) however I am really struggling to get 1 long continuous night sleep. I am getting 3 hours, waking for 1 and then getting another 3 and it is making me both tired and really aggravated throughout the day. I have looked into remedying this naturally but i feel doing yoga before bed is going to make me that little more annoyed, as I am already tired. But I will see how it goes.

Sunday August 12th

·      CrossFit filming WOD #3 + additional chest and abs circuit
Nutrition- total calories- 2850
·      oatmeal+ PB+ jam @500
·      1 powerbar+ banana @200
·      1x tuna salad + 1 banana @400
·      1/2 tortilla+ PB+jam @250
·      1 chicken pizza @ 1000
·      cheat treat- chocolate ice-cream @500
Rest & recovery-
      For some reason today I have had an insatiable hunger. I have been in pain i was so hungry. I expect it had something to do with both yesterdays run and todays CrossFit WOD as I am pushing myself really hard of late as I am moving further down the line to completing DoMore8.0 but I don't think I have ever had a stomach ache I was so hungry before today. Jen and I went out for dinner and as I hadn’t had a great deal of recovery carbs both this morning and yesterday I went the whole hog and had a pizza. It was bloody good to eat it, and maybe that temptation is what I needed to make me feel both satiated and motivated for the 2nd half of this program. It fortunately coincided with my cheat day (how is this good you say?) this is good for me because I work better when I get this kind of thing out of the way in one sitting, I enjoy it, and then I refocus. I am now really excited for tomorrows run (despite it being at the end of a ridiculously long day at work) because I feel I am refocused, satisfied and motivated. No one has ever said TGIM before now!

Monday August 13th

·      Angie WOD- 1.1 mile + 100 reps X4 rounds
Nutrition- total calories- 1770
·      Oatmeal+ PB+ jam @500
·      Banana+ yogurt smoothie at 250
·      1x tuna + 1 tortilla @ 370
·      1/2 cup nuts+ jerky @300
·      mixed veg + chicken @250
·      1 glass orange juice @100
Rest & recovery-
            Slept brilliantly last night. I didn't bother with yoga, instead the fact that it    has rained has done 2 very important things. Cooled off the weather a little          and more importantly kept the builders usually 5 feel away from my window           OFF the scaffolding and therefore unable to re-enact STOMP from 6-6          everyday! I slept 9 hours and it was bloody brilliant!
            Tonight's run however was brutal. I did the Angie+ running WOD and it was            difficult. But I really pushed myself hard and got a good time for it. The next     time I do it I will pick a cooler less humid day because even though I worked             hard my performance suffered because of the heat and humidity.

Tuesday August 14th

Exercise- Rest day
Nutrition- total calories-
·      Oatmeal+ PB+ jam @500
·      1 pocari sweat recovery + 1 power bar @320
·      mixed chicken and veg @250
·      1 peach+ 1 tbsp PB+ PIC class made ham sarnie @400
·      chicken stirfry @450
·      1 glass orange juice @100
Rest & recovery-
      I am shattered today. I think I may have literally exhausted myself yesterday with the Angie+ running WOD not because of its difficulty but that plus the sheer heat of the day adding to the intensity has dehydrated me massively. I feel sapped and lethargic. This heat is really getting to me of late. It seems to be getting hotter despite us going out of summer now. it is effecting both my training effectiveness and efficiency whilst also causing me some health issues such as mass dehydration (because I am far too stubborn to stop regardless of the pain).

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